
Maureen Sullivan


Maureen started practicing yoga on and off after college, her first class being a Baptiste power yoga influenced class. She enjoyed the warm embrace of the heated room and powerful practice Baptiste yoga provided. She continued her relationship with yoga as a supplement to her other physical activity. When Maureen experienced a significant loss in her life, the only thing that cleared her mind, calmed her soul, and made her feel connected to her body was yoga- so she decided to enroll in Eb & flow’s 200-hour yoga teacher training to deepen her own relationship with yoga, as well as help her process her grief. Maureen was captivated by her experience. In particular, the way everyone’s body and experience with yoga is different. She fell in love with teaching and wanting to provide others the same space of healing, exploration, and community that she received. Maureen has taken additional training focusing on anatomy & physiology, biomechanics, and other explorations of yoga type movement with teachers such as Jules Mitchell, Christina Corso, Jessica Carlin, Yoga Detour, and Drew Hume. 

Maureen strives to create an empowering class for all beings that invite the individual to explore their own movement, breath, and connection to themselves. When not teaching, Maureen is tending to her far too many houseplants.